Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2015 arrow July 2015

Top Blitz Age 50 and Over July 2015

1Benjamin, Joel (10102511)51NJUSA2737
2Ehlvest, Jaan (12514557)52NYUSA2647
3Gurevich, Dmitry (12212800)58ILUSA2618
4Ivanov, Alexander (12513936)59MAUSA2563
5Ardaman, Miles F (10226678)51NCUSA2521
6Henley, Ronald W (10393701)58NYUSA2489
7Rohde, Michael A (10047871)55NYUSA2460
8Bonin, Jay Richard (10098327)59NYUSA2449
9Brooks, Michael A (11045685)54MOUSA2428
10Duckworth, William (10436702)60CAUSA2399
11Castaneda, Nelson (12564228)57CTUSA2381
12Lucky, David (10462967)54IDUSA2377
13Costigan, Richard A (10161371)55NJUSA2374
14Koepcke, Richard W (10493269)55CAUSA2370
15Cusi, Ronald Lazo (12455815)53CAUSA2367
16Dubeck, Leroy W (10061083)76NJUSA2343
17Shapiro, Daniel E (10094879)60NYUSA2329
18Hoffmann, Asa (10076994)72NYUSA2322
19Peysakhovich, Vitaly A (12564026)84NJUSA2316
20Wall, Brian D (10923344)60COUSA2308
21Kelleher, William (10012571)65MAUSA2284
22Times, Lawyer (12167330)50MAUSA2283
23Mcgrew, Timothy J (12541033)50MIUSA2278
24Dehmelt, Karl (10164176)58PAUSA2268
=24Margulis, Yevgeniy (12659488)62NYUSA2268
26Gonzalez, Federico (12418957)59FLUSA2267
27Bighamian, Mick (12006960)58CAUSA2263
28Iniguez, Miguel (12596366)60NYUSA2261
29Winslow, Elliott Charles (10363365)63CAUSA2247
30Katz, Michael S (12699061)68NJUSA2235
31Fielding, Paul T (10068983)64PAUSA2234
32Hanley, Joe (11385851)50CAUSA2231
33Gilden, Larry C (10170184)72MDUSA2230
=33Wright, William B (12462971)52OHUSA2230
35La Rota, Fabio (12514000)65FLUSA2229
36Eckert, Doug D (12107920)50MOUSA2228
37Murthy, Pappu (11038824)65OHUSA2227
38Braden, Arthur (10498830)55CAUSA2222
=38Privman, Boris (12407354)58NJUSA2222
40Pennucci, William C (12250520)55COUSA2215
41Faust, Jeffrey S (12277560)51PAUSA2211
42Johnson, Joel F (10009596)59AZUSA2209
43Stewart, Michael R (11061095)60MSUSA2206
44Blalock, Rex E (11089739)62ALUSA2205
45Bauer, Richard (10583896)59CTUSA2201
=45Ashland, Mark R (10704197)58MDUSA2201
47Meredith, Matthew Derek (10031443)53CTUSA2197
48Nolan, Gregory Matthew (10158419)60PAUSA2190
=48Chernin, Oliver (10502772)59CTUSA2190
50Grasser, George (10032041)53FLUSA2189
51Pohl, Klaus A (10214033)78SCUSA2187
52Hulse, Brian (10078644)63NYUSA2184
53Marcelino, William (12423786)54VAUSA2171
54Kurosaki, Takashi (12501916)61CAUSA2161
55Diebert, Charles M (10269181)60OHUSA2156
56Apelo, David (13284974)57NYUSA2151
57Barsky, Sam (12550168)56NYUSA2129
58Tennant, Steven (10341752)67ILUSA2127
59Czuhai, Kevin (10302307)57MIUSA2121
60Imamovic, Semir (12647072)57TXUSA2120
61Stenzel, Harold G (10095824)62NYUSA2107
62Kim, Willis A (12416646)50CAUSA2104
63Fernandez, Jose (12111450)51NJUSA2102
64Baluran, Alejandrino (12218060)63CAUSA2100
=64Zisman, Boris (12541759)74MDUSA2100
=64Malazarte, Ernesto L (13517950)63TXUSA2100
67Garcia, Martin (10032474)62CTUSA2098
68Gray, Donny (10381878)60GAUSA2097
69Arvidson, Dean (12521971)58CAUSA2096
70Jabali, Ron W (12642119)68CAUSA2091
71Goldsby, Aj (10755751)57FLUSA2089
72Rea, Andrew B (11052452)54VAUSA2088
73Kliber, Michael David (12484593)50NCUSA2086
74Schwarman, Mark Mion (12146310)56NMUSA2084
75Hricko, Joseph (12553334)60CTUSA2083
76Minkin, Michael (12603704)55MAUSA2081
=76Carlson, Mike (12604754)59CAUSA2081
78Becker, Allen J (10481783)62WIUSA2079
79Greenberg, Roy (10054737)60NJUSA2076
80Levin, Anatoly (12602344)66MAUSA2075
81Gomez, Frank (12255190)50MDUSA2074
82Deeth, Steven B (12421422)59ORUSA2066
83Christie, Don M (10139074)57NYUSA2065
84Redoloza, Fleford Silao (12586941)55CAUSA2064
85Chase, Todd S (12414355)54MAUSA2062
=85Unruh, Charles D (12474516)61OKUSA2062
87Fischvogt, Eric V (10275831)55MIUSA2052
88Small, Gregg H (10228972)55CAUSA2051
=88Walker, James Hart, Jr (11477526)53FLUSA2051
90Levi, Ariel S (10433592)61MIUSA2046
91Polyakin, Vladimir (12287160)69NYUSA2037
=91Barefield, William Allen (12520146)50NMUSA2037
93Sheppard, Dore A (10076692)56NYUSA2034
=93Hill, Leroy, Jr (12352820)52NJUSA2034
95Forman, Gary Robert (10103380)68NYUSA2033
96Davis, Barry (10132916)59NYUSA2027
=96Granik, Yuri, Dr (15055356)56CAUSA2027
98Grant, Douglas M (10099170)72NHUSA2026
=98Sullivan, Jeffrey (12379820)58COUSA2026
100Johnson, Ernest, Jr (10089115)57NYUSA2024
=100Al-Shamma, James (10495792)54TNUSA2024
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
